|~ربّي ربّاني ~|

،، من تربية الله لك
قد يبتليك الله بالأذى ممن حولك حتى لا يتعلق قلبك بأي أحد لا أم ولا أب لا أخ ولا صديق، فيتعلّق قلبك بهِ وحده

،، من تربية الله لك
قد يبتليك ليستخرج من قلبك عبودية الصبر والرضى وتمام الثقة به هل أنت راض عنه لأنه أعطاك؟ أم لأنك واثق أنه الحكيم الرحيم؟،، من تربية الله لك
قد يمنع عنك رزقاً تطلبه لأنه يعلم أن هذا الرزق سبب لفساد دينك أو دنياك، أو أن وقته لم يأت، وسيأتي في أروع وقت ممكن

،، من تربية الله لك
قد ينغص عليك نعمة كنت متمتعاً فيها لأنه رأى أن قلبك أصبح “مهموما” بالدنيا فأراد أن يريك حقيقتها لتزهد فيها وتشتاق للجنة

،، من تربية الله لك
أنه يعلم في قلبك مرضاً أنت عاجز عن علاجه باختيارك ، فيبتليك بصعوبات تخرجه رغماً عنك تتألم قليلاً ، ثم تضحك بعد ذلك

،، من تربية الله لك
أن يؤخر عنك الإجابة حتى تستنفد كل الأسباب وتيأس من صلاح الحال ثم يُصلحه لك من حيث لا تحتسب حتى تعلم من هو المُنعم عليك

،، من تربية الله لك
حين تقوم بالعبادة من أجل الدنيا يحرمك الدنيا حتى يعود الإخلاص إلى قلبك وتعتاد العبادة للرب الرحيم ثم يعطيك ولا يُعجزه

،، من تربية الله لك
أن يُطيل عليك البلاء ويُريك خلال هذا البلاء من اللطف والعناية وانشراح الصدر ما يملأ قلبك معرفة به حتى يفيض حبه في قلبك

،، من تربية الله لك
أن يراك غافلا عن تربيته وتفسر الأحداث كأنها تحدث وحدها فيظل يُريك من عجائب أقداره وسرعة إجابته للدعاء حتى تستيقظ وتبصر

،، من تربية الله لك
أن يعجّل لك عقوبته على ذنوبك حتى تُعجّل أنت التوبة فيغفر لك ويطهرك ولا يدع قلبك تتراكم عليه الذنوب حتى يغطيه الرّان فتعمى

،، من تربية الله لك
أنك إذا ألححت على شيء مصراً في طلبه متسخطاً على قدر الله يعطيك إياه حتى تذوق حقيقته فتبغضه وتعلم أن اختيار الله لك كان خيراً لك

،، من تربية الله لك
(((أن تكون في بلاء فيُريك من هو أسوأ منك بكثير (في نفس البلاء) حتى تشعر بلطفه بك وتقول من قلبك (((الحمد لله



!سألها أحدهم على أي حال تتمنينه أن يكون ؟

فأجابت باختصار ، (أريده على دين و خُلُق) ظناً منها أنها قد أحسنت الرد فيما اشتملت عليه هاتين الكلمتين من معانٍ جميلة لا حصر لها ناسية أن تلك المعاني تغيّرت ، هذا و إن وجدت أصلاً ، ففي مجتمعنا الآن بعضهم يرى أن المتدين هو من يصلي الفرائض ، و الخَلوق هو من عفّ لسانه عن استخدام الألفاظ البذيئه و ليس كلها فمنها ما هو أقل درجة في البذاءه فـَ يرى أنها مباحة في التعبير عن أراءه أو المزاح بها مع أصحابه

سألها ثانية غير فاهماً لهذا الاختصار راغباً في التعمق في تفاصيل أكثر

فاسترجعت إجابتها و وجدتها أنها بالفعل غير كافيه و بدأت في سرد التفاصيل بعينين لامعتين و وجه متورّد بالحياء ثم قالت، أريده رجلاً يعرف للرجولة خصالٍ و معانٍ ليس اسماً فحسب .. اريده سائراً على نهج المصطفى صلَّ الله عليه و سلّم مُتحلياً بكل أخلاقه .. أريده ذا طموح و أهداف و ليس تافهاً .. أريده على علم كبير بدينه و ليس متعصباً غير فاهماً لتعاليم دينه الجميله .. أريده حافظاً للقرآن و إن لم يكن فسنختمه سوياً .. أريده مُعمراً لبيوت الله ..أريده طاهر الجوارح يعني ذا أذنين كارهتين لسماع لهو يغضب الله و عينين محرم عليهما النظر للحرام و قدمين لا يسعيان إلا في كل خير يعني أريده واهباً حياته لله ، أما عن قلبه فأريده مملؤاً بحب الله و الرسول موصولاً بذكر الله دائماً ، فمن عرف محبة الله عرف معنى الحب الحقيقي و إني لا أخاف من قلب معلّق بالله.

ثم اختتمت كلامها بأنها تتمنى بيتها معه كقطعة من الجنة قائماً على الطاعة و معطرة أركانه بذكر الله و شاهداً لهما يوم القيامة بحسن الطاعه و الصلاة و قراءة القرآن و ذكر الله دون فتور.

!قال لها ، و ماذا عن متاع الدنيا ؟! ألا تحلمين بمسكن فاخر و عربة و أشياء مثل ذلك مما يحلم به بنات جيلك ؟

ضحكت و قالت له ، والله لا يعنيني ما لديه فرسولي قال (من ترضون دينه و خُلُقه) و ليس أمواله .. فماذا أفعل بكل هذا إن لم يكن على خُلق و يعرف كيف المعامله بالمعروف ؟! أنا أريده غنياً بالأخلاق .. أما عن متاع الدنيا فهذا رزق و الله يقسم الأرزاق و لا يظلم أحد أبدا و إني على يقين بأن ما لم أنله في الدنيا سيرزقني الله إياه في الأخره حتى و إن كان الزواج نفسه ، فالزواج رزق أيضاً و الله يدبر لنا كل أمورنا بعناية بالغة بما فيه الخير لنا .. الله كريم جداً 

تبسّم في صمت ، ثم سألها إذا كانت تريد قول شئ أخر ؟

قالت، أسأل الله أن يعفّني و بنات المسلمين و أن يكفينا بحلاله عن حرامه و يغنينا بفضله عمّن سواه


When “She” Loved Me!

MWhen somebody loved me,
Everything was beautiful,
Every hour we spent together, Lives withing my heart,
And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy, so was I!
When she loved me.
Through the summer and the fall, we had each other, that was all!
Just she and I together, like it was meant to be,
And when she was lonely, I was there to comfort her,
And I knew that she loved me.

Miss u so much

So the years went by,
I stayed the same,
And she began to drift away,
I was left alone,
Still I waited for the day,
when she’d say
“I Will Always Love You”
Lonely and forgotten,
never thought she’d look my way,
She smiled at me and held me,
just like she used to do,
Like she loved me, when she loved me!

When somebody loved me,
everything was beautiful,
Every hour we spent together,
lives within my heart,
When She Loved Me!

Oh Memories!

There’s no doubt that every person have a lot of memories through every moment passes.
Indeed, memories are so kind, because it’s the only thing that don’t leave us whatever happened, even if those whom we shared the memory with left us!
when we sit alone, memories act like best friend and share us our loneliness and either they make us smile and forget our loneliness by remembering us with every beautiful moment we once lived in the past, and how we were happy, or we just got sad and this happen when we back to the current moment and realize that it’s not more than a memory, as memory means past, and past means that it’s over and will never come again, sadly!
when we look at the old pictures, we will find that almost of the lovely people who were with us no longer exist in our life, as they either left to hereafter (May They R.I.P), or they became so busy with their own life and so they have no time to remember what was in the past..
Memories are the only thing which really know what Forever” means, because only them which will accompany us till the last breath.
The person who is truly honest in his emotions couldn’t forget a word he once heard from a dear person to his heart, a promise, a picture they shared together one day even its date, place, and how their feeling was at that moment.
And He will never be alone, such person who  save his memories in his heart before his memories’ box!

I didn’t once think in memories or even was interested about it, but I just felt nostalgia towards it when I missed almost of the people whom I used to see around. I felt that I’m in need to read all the words they once wrote for me, to hear all the songs they once dedicate to me, to see the pictures, to close my eyes and remember myself when I was with them and the sweet emotions I felt at that time. You have no idea how memories kill me inside, and in spite of that, I never stopped doing this everyday or get bored with it, and I’m sure I’ll never do!

I have a lot of memories with everyone I know, those which inspire me, and those which make me wanna die, not because they are bad, but because who I shared the memories with is no longer near.
You know, I wished to have memories with my father! Actually, I searched hard to find any little memory, but sadly I got disappointed, because I didn’t find anything except some of confusing emotions inside which is in love, but can’t reveal!
My heart is full of a lot of the sweet emotions which became now mere memories,
My mind also is full of situations which I shared with many lovely people everywhere,
My ears save all the sweet sounds which they once fell in love with,
My hand couldn’t forget a special touch it once got from a best friend was holding it kindly,
My  eyes too couldn’t forget someone once wiped its tears away, and then let the lips got a secret smile,

I’m really thankful for all the sweet memories I shared with everyone, you have to know that you did a great favor to me by being a part of my life and leaving sweet memories for me to remember.. Thank You! 

Today My Life Begins!

I’ve been working hard so long
seems like pain has been my only friend
my fragile heart’s been done so wrong
i wondered if I
I’d ever heal again
oh just like all the seasons never stay the same
all around me i can feel a change

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
leave the past behind me, today my life begins
a whole new world is waiting it’s mine for the taking
I know I can make it, today my life begins ~~

yesterday has come and gone
and I’ve learn how to leave it where it is
and I see that I was wrong
for ever doubting I could win
oh just like all the seasons never stay the same
all around me I can feel a change


I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
leave the past behind me, today my life begins
a whole new world is waiting it’s mine for the taking
I know I can make it, today my life begins ~~


life’s to short to have regrets 
so I’m learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget 
only have one life to live 
so you better make the best of it

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
leave the past behind me, today my life begins
a whole new world is waiting it’s mine for the taking
I know I can make it, today my life begins ~~


~ Bruno Mars ~

I Believe…

I believe in the sun
even when it is not shining
And I believe in love,
even when there’s no one there.
And I believe in God, 
even when He is silent. ♥

I believe through any trial,
there is always a way
But sometimes in this suffering
and hopeless despair
My heart cries for shelter,
to know someone’s there
But a voice rises within me, saying hold on
my child, I’ll give you strength,
I’ll give you hope. Just stay a little while. ♥

I believe in the sun
even when it is not shining
And I believe in love
even when there’s no one there
But I believe in God
even when he is silent
I believe through any trial
there is always a way. ♥

May there someday be sunshine
May there someday be happiness
May there someday be love
May there someday be peace..♥ 

[Quoting Friend]


ياما نفسي اعيش انسان

قلبه على كفه

كل اللي بردانين في كفوفه يتدفوا

يضحك يضحك خلق الله

يفرح يفرح كله معاه

انســـــــــان جواك و جوايــا…انســـــــان له حلم له غــــايه

انســـــــــان جواك و جوايــا…انســـــــان له حلم له غــــايه

اللي معاه عالطول مش ليه

و لا حتى روحه ملك ايديه

جوا في قلبه و نن عنيه

شايل آمل و شروق و حياه

انســـــــــان جواك و جوايــا…انســـــــان له حلم له غــــايه

انســـــــــان جواك و جوايــا…انســـــــان له حلم له غــــايه

انسان بيحب و لا يكره

انسان شايل آمل بكره

بيبان في الشده و يطمن

و لا خان و لا عمره هيخون

انســـــــــان جواك و جوايــا…انســـــــان له حلم له غــــايه

انســـــــــان جواك و جوايــا…انســـــــان له حلم له غــــايه

Where Their Heart ♥ Take Them !

He Loves her so much, but he is always shy to tell her and tries to declare his love in indirect way 😉

She notices that she has a special treatment, special smile, special interest and special words , but she always suffering as she doesn’t sure from his love !

He sometimes pretends that he doesn’t care and she is only his sister and like any girl!!!!

She knows that he just pretends , because he faith in destiny and he doesn’t sure if she’ll be his wife or not !

He is mysterious enough to hide his feelings in his heart and never declare to anyone.

She is sensitive enough to feel what he tries to hide from her 😉

He is always described as a complicated man who doesn’t know anything about love , as he has his different own way to express his feelings and Love 😉

She Loves his different way in expressing Love and also sees him the most romantic man ever 😉

He afraid of a day she’ll be with another man!

She afraid of a day he’ll be with another woman!

He understands her words 🙂

She understands his weird actions 😉

He Loves her 😉

She Loves him more 😉

                 They Always Dream Of The Day They’ll Be One Person 🙂

I’m Single .. I’m passionate !

Not because I’m single I don’t know anything about Love !!

I read this words and shared it then my friend asked me, So what do you know about love ?!
firstly I wanna assure you I’m not in love with any guy and I think this is a great blessing .. Alhamdulillah 🙂

Regarding what I know about LOVE ,

– Love is when I meet the one who I always dream about , such a perfect man in my view point, and before you ask me who is the perfect man in your view point I’ll tell you 😉

“A man who is pious , but not complicated. who is passionate , but not over . who will truly love me and share me everything in his life and work . who has such a strong character but not aggressive , I mean , to be a wise man !”

This is about his character , as it’s the most important thing even more important than his social class, face, size, weight..!

– Love is when I feel truly ever happiness with him !

– Love is when I cant live without him as he is all my life !

– Love is when I listen a song and every word of it is about him !

– Love is when I forgive him just if he said I Love you 😉

– Love is when his smile make my day !

– Love is when the little words from him affect on me and make me wanna fly from the much happiness !

– Love is Love .. This is what I know about Love and what I always dream bout and Insha’Allah I’ll find that person someday , I’m not hasty 🙂

PS:- Love is about creating the right relationship in order to feel real happiness 😉

SOO ==>

I See The Light ♫

All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I’ve been
Now I’m here, blinking in the starlight
Now I’m here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it’s all so clear
I’m where I’m meant to be

And at last I see the light
And it’s like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new
And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you


All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now she’s here shining in the starlight
Now she’s here, suddenly I know
If she’s here it’s crystal clear
I’m where I’m meant to go


And at last I see the light
And it’s like the fog is lifted

And at last I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new

And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything is different
Now that I see you,

Now that I see you
